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Das BoS - Filearchiv

Zu folgenden Themen liegen gesammelte Texte (News, Files aus dem KeelyNet und anderen Quellen) und Bilder in Form von ZIP-Archiven vor:

Schriften von Thomas Bearden Download (268k) Archivinhalt
Floyd Sweet's VTA device Download (123k) Archivinhalt
Magnetic Resonant Amplifier (MRA) Download (203k) Archivinhalt
N-Maschinen Download (76k) Archivinhalt
Hyde's Electrostatic Generator Download (59k) Archivinhalt
Der Newman Motor/Generator Download (56k) Archivinhalt
R. Stirniman's Electrogravitics Reference Download (146k) Archivinhalt
Der Coler-Report Download (772k) Archivinhalt
Files der KeelyNet-BBS (auszugsweise) (mehrere Archive) Archivinhalt
About G-shielding and Podkletnov's experiment Download (174k) Archivinhalt

 [^]  BEARDEN.zip: Schriften von Thomas Bearden (274.143 bytes)
BGSCALAR.TXT "Background for Pursuing Scalar Electromagnetics", Feb. 1992
FS_FE.TXT "The Final Secret of Free Energy" (1993)
FS_FIG0.GIF "The Final Secret of Free Energy", drawings
FS_FIG1A.GIF - " -
FS_FIG1B.GIF - " -
FS_FIG2.GIF - " -
FS_COM.TXT Bearden comment on "The Final Secret of Free Energy"
FS_ADD.TXT Additional Information On "The Final Secret of Free Energy"
FS_ADD.GIF Additional Information On "The Final Secret of Free Energy", drawing
MASS_EM.TXT Mass as an electromagnetic effect (fax to David Jonsson)
PAT_SC.TXT Patent regarding final purpose of superconductivity (fax to David Jonsson)
POED.TXT "Pratical Overunitiy Electrical Devices", 13.May 1994
POED.GIF "Pratical Overunitiy Electrical Devices", drawing
 [^]  SWEETVTA.zip: Floyd Sweet's VTA device (125.715 bytes)
BEARESP.ASC Comments made by Bearden in his reports on the Sweet Vacuum Triode device
SWEET1.ASC two papers by Mr. Tom E. Bearden (from the proceedings of the 26th IECEC Conference)
SWEET2.ASC More on Sweet's triode tube and its use as a ZPE tapping device
SWEET3.ASC Description of Vacuum Triode operation and more....EXCELLENT!
SWEET4A.ASC 1st Part of Bearden comments to students on SCALARS and the Sweet Vacuum Triode
SWEET4B.ASC 2nd part of Bearden comments to students on SCALARS and tapping Zero Point
SWEET4C.ASC 3rd part of Bearden paper - references and comments
SWEET4D.ASC 4th part of Bearden paper - references and comments
 [^]  MRA.zip: Magnetic Resonant Amplifier (MRA) (207.878 bytes)
BLUELIGH.NWS strange phenomenon on MRA device
MRA.ASC The basic article annoucing MRA invention on KeelyNet
MRA.GIF MRA schematic
MRA1.ASC Magnetic Resonance Amplifier description of operation by Joel McClain
MRA2A.GIF another MRA drawing
MRATEST1.TXT Evaluation of MRA by Institute for Advanced Studies
MRATEST2.TXT News article on MRA
MRA_UP01.NWS News thread on MRA o/u device from KeelyNet
MRA_UP02.NWS - " -
MRA_UP03.NWS - " -
MRA_UP04.NWS - " -
MRA_UP05.NWS - " -
MRA_UP06.NWS - " -
MRA_UP07.NWS - " -
MRA_UP08.NWS - " -
MRA_UP09.NWS - " -
MRA_UP10.NWS - " -
MRA_UP11.NWS - " -
MRA_UP12.NWS - " -
MRA_UP13.NWS - " -
MRA_UP14.NWS - " -
MRA_UP15.NWS - " -
MRA_UP16.NWS - " -
MRA_UP17.NWS - " -
RULE9.TXT Resonant geometry and the Zero Point
SRC_INFO.TXT Free Energy Books and MRA resources
 [^]  NMACHINE.zip: N-Maschinen (77.603 bytes)
DEPALMA.ASC the Faraday disc inspired 'N' machine free energy 1 HP to drive & 5.7 HP out
DPALMA1.ASC dePalma story (April 1990) of his work with Faraday's HOMOPOLAR motor w/notes
DPALMA2.ASC FAX from P. Tewari relating his new Space Power Generator 5KW in, 30 KW out!
DPALMA3.ASC original story with details of the 'N' machine (February 1984)
DPALMA4.ASC tech info on Tewari's Space Power Generator
DPALMA5.ASC Kincheloe verification of the SunBurst Free energy device
DPALMA6.ASC Tewari's initial discovery with ideas of how it works and where it comes from
DPALMA7.ASC DePalma's theory about PSIONS as the ultimate source of free energy
N_MACH1.GIF A few ideas regarding 'N' machines and overunity
N_MACH2.GIF - " -
N_MACH3.GIF - " -
N_MACH4.GIF - " -
N_MACH5.GIF - " -
 [^]  HYDE.zip: Hyde Electrostatic Generator (60.345 bytes)
FIG1.GIF Hyde patent images
FIG2.GIF - " -
FIG3&4.GIF - " -
FIG5A.GIF - " -
FIG5B.GIF - " -
FIG6.GIF - " -
HYDEPTNT.ASC complete text of the Hyde Electrostatic Generator Patent
HYDEHATH.ASC taken from KeelyNet: article from ELECTRIC SPACECRAFT JOURNAL 3/91
HYDEOFFR.ASC A letter from Mr. William Hyde
 [^]  NEWMAN.zip: Der Newman Motor/Generator (56.426 bytes)
MEASURE.TXT Measurement & Analysis of Joseph Newman's Energy Generator
NEWMAN1.ASC Gyroscopic Theory of Joseph Newman newspaper report on Newmans' machine
NEWMAN2.ASC Will Joseph Newman's energy machine revolutionize the world? (Atlanta Journal)
NEWMAN3.ASC article with reports that Newman's machine does not work
NEWMAN4.ASC early form of Newman machine with some details that might further inform
NEWMAN5.ASC Newman's Theory in more detail
NEWMAN1.NWS News article from Stefan Hartmann
NEWMAN2.NWS sample of the thread dealing with Joe Newman from Nov. 1992.
PATENT.NWS News article: Court Decision on Newmann Patent
SCI_ART1.TXT Article from "Science": Newman's Impossible Motor
SCI_ART2.TXT From "Science": An Endless Siege of Implausible Inventions
 [^]  EGRAV.zip: R. Stirnimans Electrogravitics Reference (146.216 bytes)
GRAV.TXT 19-teilige (unsortierte) Quellensammmlung zum Thema Elektrogravitation
 [^]  COLER.zip: B.I.O.S.-Report über Hans Colers Erfindungen
HCOLER1.HTM Der Report in der HTML-Version, Teil 1/3
HCOLER2.HTM - " - , Teil 2/3
HCOLER3.HTM - " - , Teil 3/3
HCOLER2.JPG Illustrationen der HTML-Version
FIG1.JPG - " -
FIG2.JPG - " -
FIG3.JPG - " -
FIG4.JPG - " -
COLER.DOC Der Report im Winword 6.0-Format (mit Illustrationen)
 [^]  Files der KeelyNet-BBS
KN_DIAG.ZIP Pictures/Circuits/Diagrams (4.014k)
KN_ENRGY.ZIP Energy Text Files (1.874k)
KN_FLIST.ZIP Complete KeelyNet File List (72k)
KN_GRAV.ZIP Gravity Text Files (603k)
KN_KEELY.ZIP Keely and Acoustics (281k)
 [^]  G_SHIELD.zip: G-shielding and Podkletnov's experiment (174.342 bytes)
HOW_TO.TXT How to build your own replication of the Tampere experiment
MODAN1.PS Modanese's paper on gravitation shielding effect (postscript)
MODAN1.TEX - " - (TeX)
MODAN2.PS Update on the above paper (postscript)
MODAN2.TEX - " - (TeX)
PODKLET.PS Podkletnov's paper on the Tampere Experiment (postscript)
REF.TXT A few sources on a/g & gravitational shielding effects
REPLICAT.TXT Replication of Tampere experiment by Don Evans

2.844.750 Besucher
seit 03.08.1996
    Letzte Änderung: 21.09.2000