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Frank von der Heide 
wissenschaft-online Forum [¤]
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 09.02.2007 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Julio C. Gobbi 
Searl Technology [¤]
  ABSTRACT: This article aims to demonstrate that John Searl developed a magnetic system that can be used for electrical energy generation and discoid craft propulsion. His experiments on rotating magnets gave him the understanding about how to gather electrostatic charges from the atmosphere as an electric current source. The base of his discoveries is a device called SEG, an apparatus done with a magnetic ring and several magnetic rollers turning around it. It will be developed a first mathematical approach to quantify his SEG generator and IGV propulsion systems. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.05.2020 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Clint Seward, Chiping Shen, Ken Ware 
  Spinning plasma toroids are created using high power electric arcs similar to lightning bolts. The spinning toroids are observed to be stable in atmosphere with no confining magnetic fields. Spinning toroids have the appearance of spheres, or balls, and create bright light through collisions with neutrals in the atmosphere. The spinning toroids are observed to last for more than 200 milliseconds in partial atmosphere. This paper describes the initiation apparatus and parameters. An explanation for the plasma toroid is presented that it is a hollow toroid of electrons where all the electrons travel in parallel paths orthogonal to the toroid circumference and reside in a thin outer shell of the toroid. The electron motion creates a current in the surface that in turn creates an internal magnetic field. Equations are presented detailing the initiation of the plasma toroid, and detailing the plasma toroid itself. The stability analysis for the plasma toroid has been completed that explains how the plasma toroid remains stable in atmosphere. The spinning plasma toroid has the appearance of Ball Lightning, in observations, computer simulations, and equations. The plasma toroid explains how a plasma ring can be stable in atmosphere with no external magnetic fields, and how it can contain many electrons with high energy. Ball lightning is often reported as a ring current, in toroid shape, and since a spinning ring appears as a sphere or ball, the spinning plasma toroid provides an explanation for Ball Lightning. The technology of the plasma toroid has the potential for new applications in propulsion and energy generation and storage. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 13.02.2011 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Ulrich f. Sackstedt (Ãœbersetzer) 
Plasmatische Bahnexpansion von Elektronen im Wasser [¤]
  Das Phänomen Brown's Gas hat zu einem Sammelsurium verschiedener Theorien geführt, die alle nach einer Erklärung für seine ungewöhnlichen Eigenschaften suchen. Eine mögliche Theorie von Chris Eckman, die zur Zeit sogar von Vertretern der etablierten Wissenschaften unterstützt wird, beschreibt die plasmatische Bahnexpansion im Wassermolekül. In diesem Prozeß ?biegt? sich ? anders als bei der Elektrolyse - das Wassermolekül zur einer linearen, dipol-freien geometrischen Form. Dieses linear gestaltete Wassermolekül dehnt sich aus, um zusätzliche Elektronen in die d-Sub-Schale zu ziehen. Diese Extra-Elektronen rufen bei unterschiedlichen Zielmaterialien unterschiedliche Effekte hervor. Elektronen, die sich auf dem Kontaktpunkt ausbreiten, produzieren durch die Höhe der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit, der Dichte und der thermischen Kapazität des jeweiligen Materials Hitze. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 17.02.2011 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
S.U. Maji1 M. S. Mane2 C. Kshirsagar3 A. Jagdale4 D. Malgar5 
Conventional Free Energy using Flywheel [¤]
  This Paper deals with the concept of free energy and its generation using flywheel system. A mains motor of half horsepower capacity is used to drive a series of belt and pulley drive which form a gear-train and produces over twice rpm at the shaft of an alternator. The intriguing thing about this system is that greater electrical output power can be obtained from the output of the alternator than appears to be drawn from the input motor. This is done with the help of Gravity wheel. The gravity wheel or flywheel is coupled with the gear-train in order to produce more excess energy or free energy. Detail study is done with various parameters of flywheel to obtain the maximum free energy out of the system. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 05.07.2020 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Sapogin, L.G. / Ryabov, Yu.A. 
About unitary quantum theory and about catalytic process theory [¤]
  In this article is considered approximately unitary quantum theory with oscillating charge for single particle. The Laws of conservation are got after averaging on ensemble of the particles. Using this equation allows united position to explain many mysterious phenomena as of the calatylic processes and nature. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 10.05.2011 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Zero Point Energy [¤]
  An Introduction to Zero-Point Energy (ZPE), the origin of ZPE and it's connection to inertia and gravitation 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 17.09.2001 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Stefan Hartmann 
Overunity theory page [¤]
  Theory page of the www.overunity.de site, the best free energy WEB server 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 06.10.2000 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
W.D. Bauer 
T-Online eMail [¤]
  , original server, mirror is the theory page of Stefan Hartmanns overunity server www.overunity.com 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 02.12.2005 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Energie - Informationen, anderes und mehr bei [¤]
  Energie - Definition, Informationen und Hinweis 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 19.11.2007 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Paul N. Correa + Alexandra Correa 
A Note on the Law of Electrodynamics [¤]
  Discussion of the Longitudinal Amp?re Forces and the corresponding papers in the journal "Infinite Energy" 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 17.12.2005 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Claus W. Turtur 
Hörbuch: Lichtbildervorträge/Videos zur Raumenergie [¤]
  Hier sind drei Teile eines YouTube-Videos, in denen ich etwas über Raumenergie erzähle: Teil 1. Allgemeine Grundlagen -> Ãœber bestehende Erkenntnisse (ca. 20 Minuten) Teil 2. Ein wissenschaftlicher Grundlagenbeweis für die Nutzbarkeit der Raumenergie auf Universitätsniveau (ca. 30 Minuten) Teil 3. Konstruktion eines leistungsfähigen Raumenergie-Motors zur allgemeinen Energie-Versorgung (ca. 60 Minuten) Für alle, die den Text gerne nachlesen und die Bilder mit hoher Auflösung sehen wollen, gibt es auch das PDF zum Film. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 05.07.2011 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Adolf Schneider 
Energy Extraction from the Vacuum Field [¤]
  Scientific and Popular Papers and Books - Patents - Videos - Periodics - References 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 16.11.2009 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Winzige Wirbel entstehen und vergehen [¤]
  Strömungssimulationen an den Grenzen der High-Tech-Computer - Strömungsprozesse in Triebwerken oder Motoren sind äußerst komplex und können nur unter großem technischen Aufwand untersucht werden. Moderne Computersysteme geben den Forschern jetzt kurze Einblicke in die Natur turbulenter Strömungen: Auf einer Fläche von zwei mal zwei Zentimetern verfolgen sie mit, wie sich in Sekundenbruchteilen winzige Wirbel bilden, in turbulente Strukturen übergehen und sich wieder auflösen. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.02.2008 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Professor Ph. M. Kanarev, Krasnodar. Photos: J. Hartikka.  
  Professor Ph. M. Kanarev's Books and Lectures  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 06.01.2006 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Aristeidis Karalis*, J.D. Joannopoulos, and Marin Solja&#269;i&#263; 
Efficient wireless non-radiative mid-range energy transfer [¤]
  We investigate whether, and to what extent, the physical phenomenon of long-lifetime resonant electromagnetic states with localized slowly-evanescent field patterns can be used to transfer energy efficiently over non-negligible distances, even in the presence of extraneous environmental objects. Via detailed theoretical and numerical analyses of typical real-world model-situations and realistic material parameters, we establish that such a non-radiative scheme can lead to ?strong coupling? between two medium-range distant such states and thus could indeed be practical for efficient medium-range wireless energy transfer. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 12.03.2008 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
Roger Hastings 
Newman's Theory: A Report  [¤]
  On Joseph Newman´s Theory. The author do not intend to recapitulate the theory presented in Newman´s book, but rather to briefly provide his interpretation of Newman´s ideas. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 15.10.2000 Hits: 11360, Status: Indikator
The GENESIS Project [¤]
  By sending an electric current into the non-inductive coil around which electrified into negative, it is possible to induce the opposite self-induction phenomenon. In this time, positive and negative energy are pulled apart from nil. The positive energy appears as an electric power, and the negative energy appears as the effect of cooling and anti-gravity. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 29.10.2000 Hits: 11360, Status: Indikator
T.E. Bearden 
REGAUGING: Master Overunity Mechanism [¤]
  This is a flash release of information on the operational principles of three overunity electromagnetic engines that are in the successful prototype stage or advanced engineering development. From Explore! Magazine. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 30.10.2000 Hits: 11360, Status: Indikator
Konstantin Meyl 
Die Potentialwirbeltheorie (Objektivitätstheorie) [¤]
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.05.2000 Hits: 11360, Status: Indikator
Fluidmotor Startup [¤]
  Fluidmotor.com beschreibt eine Maschine, die aus latenter Umgebungswärme Energie erzeugt, ein Perpetuum mobile zweiter Art als Nachbildung des meteorologischen Wirbels. Außerdem werden substantielle Begriffe wie Gravitation, Entropie und Geschwindigkeit neu interpretiert. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 17.03.2005 Hits: 11360, Status: Indikator
Julio C. Gobbi 
EM-GI Propulsion System [¤]
  ABSTRACT: This article intends to show that there are several electromagnetic and gravitoinertial methods to produce propulsion, which are: electric levitation, magnetic repulsion with mass rotation and ionic vortexes, gravitational neutralization with mass rotation and others related with these. We will work on the understanding and development of mathematical equations to quantify these systems. In the end, we will have a first approach to a new set of mathematical concepts to experiment with suitable technology for self-propelled fuel-free machines. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.05.2020 Hits: 11360, Status: Indikator
Harald Kautz-Vella 
A physicist?s view on the Messiah-Machine of Daruish al Khoos [¤]
  By the following article the author wants to introduce plans of a major power plant that uses selfstrengthening phenomena in vortical flow of water to generate electric energy. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 25.07.2007 Hits: 11360, Status: Indikator
Philip Julian Hardcastle, Australia 
QUENCO (Quantum Energy Convertor) [¤]
  The existence of suppressor grids in existing thermionic tubes allows a continous thermionic heat to electrical power production. The scientist who invented the grid controlled Sebithenco device is totally convinced that this discovery can be advanced to the point where all of our World's energy is supplied. The name of the new technology is "Quenco technology". 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 14.04.2013 Hits: 11360, Status: Indikator
Claus Wilhelm Turtur 
Freie Energie für alle Menschen ! [¤]
  Dies ist eine Zusammenfassung des Raumenergie-Vortrages von Prof. Dr. Claus Wilhelm Turtur beim regionalen Wirtschaftsgipfel in Luzern (am 17. März 2018). Die Zusammenfassung wurde nachträglich aus freier Erinnerung geschrieben und ist daher nicht exakt. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 30.03.2018 Hits: 11360, Status: Indikator
Thomas F. Valone 
Permanent Magnet Spiral Motor for Magnetic Gradient Energy Utilization: Axial Magnetic Field [¤]
  The Spiral Magnetic Motor, which can accelerate a magnetized rotor through 90% of its cycle with only permanent magnets, was an energy milestone for the 20th century patents by Kure Tekkosho in the 1970?s. However, the Japanese company used old ferrite magnets which are relatively weak and an electrically-powered coil to jump start every cycle, which defeated the primary benefit of the permanent magnet motor design....It is proposed that integrating a magnetic force control device with a spiral stator inhomogeneous axial magnetic field motor is a viable approach to add a sufficient nonlinear boundary shift to apply the angular momentum and potential energy gained in 315 degrees of the motor cycle. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 07.12.2009 Hits: 11360, Status: Indikator
Philipp M. Kanarev 
Energy Impulse Secrets [¤]
  Energy impulses keep preserving their secrets. The errors in Newton’s dynamics and electrodynamics are the main causes of incomprehension of these secrets. A recovery of these errors will open new energy possibilities before mankind; these possibilities will rescue mankind from an environmental disaster, which is generated by hydrocarbon energy sources. It is not an empty forecast. Its authenticity is proved both theoretically and experimentally. The new laws of mechanodynamics and electrodynamics of microworld, which were in possession of the author of this article at that time, gave an astonishingly simple and effective solution of this problem. As a result, a self-rotating electric pulse generator was made and tested. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 08.12.2018 Hits: 11361, Status: Indikator
R. Buckminster Fuller 
Synergetics [¤]
  The full version of ´Synergetics 1 & 2´ by R. Buckminster Fuller 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 30.10.2000 Hits: 11361, Status: Indikator
Barry Nix 
Angle of Fire [¤]
  Plate Tectonics research revealed certain angles through Earth. Investigating these angles led to an explanation of some type of great explosion on ancient Earth. After explanation of these angles, then the Fusion Principle was discovered concerning implosion. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.05.2000 Hits: 11361, Status: Indikator
Kenneth Carrigan 
Principles, Proof and Equations for Overunity [¤]
  One aspect of overunity generators is that to my knowledge no one has ever proved, in terms of scientific mathematical equations, that overunity can actually be produced. Some time ago, I did some calculations... 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.05.2000 Hits: 11361, Status: Indikator
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