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Adolf Schneider (compiler) 
Messias-Wirbelkraftwerk [¤]
  Erfinder oder besser «Finder» einer neuen Art von autonomer Wasserwirbelmaschine war der Syrer Muhammad al-Masih Daruish al-Khooss (1926-2001) aus dem Ort Al-Zabadani., der für sich den Titel ,Messias’ beanspruchte. Dies war eine Berufsbezeichnung und bedeutete ,Wegwischer’ (der Brennstofftechno-logien). 1973 hatte Achmed Khammas diesen Mann kennengelernt, dessen visionär empfangene Idee weiterverfolgt und dann in seinem Buch der Synergie ausführlich beschrieben. In dieser Zusammenstellung werden die Erfahrungen und Ãśberlegungen von Achmed Khammas beschrieben, der vom Erfinder der Wassertornadomaschine viel gelernt hat sowie die Kommentare von Physikern wiedergegeben, die sich mit Wirbelphänomenen befasst haben. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 03.03.2020 Hits: 11347, Status: Indikator
Patrick Cornille 
A Review on Electromagnetic Propulsion by Stimulated Forces [¤]
  There are in the literature many reports concerning experiments showing that conductors submitted to high voltage or with high currents passing through them are moving without the help of an external observer. By using Newtonian mechanics and the application of Newton’s third law, we are able to explain this motion or propulsion effect either as resulting from a spontaneous force if we use the Amp`ere force law or as a stimulated force if we use the Lorentz force law. In this paper, we will examine both the theoretical and experimental aspects concerning this effect. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 05.07.2020 Hits: 11347, Status: Indikator
I Mathiyarasan C.Karthi V Rajkumar K vasanth C.Rajeswari 
Conventional Free Energy Generation [¤]
  This Paper deals with the concept of free energy and its generation of regulator system. A motor of 0.5 power unit capability is employed to drive a dynamo to produces the power. The intriguing factor regarding this technique is that larger electrical output power may be obtained from the output of the generator than seems to be drawn from the input motor. This can be through with the assistance of a Gear box 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 05.07.2020 Hits: 11351, Status: Indikator
Chaudhari, Saurabh Vikas 
Pulse Wheel/Flywheel: Contributing New Science for Unbounding Efficiency, to the Era of Physics! [¤]
  As we know, the pulse wheel/flywheel is the result of hidden or indirectly applied science behind the working of an I.C. Engine and it is used during pulse mechanism, but without mathematical proof it is incomplete and hence it would stand only as a theoretical concept. Here I have tried to explain the equivalency between the working of pulse mechanism and I.C. Engine (single and multi cylinder). On performing calculations in order to determine the overall efficiency of pulse mechanism due to use of pulse wheel/flywheel, the results obtained are extraordinary as the efficiency exceeds 100%. In the near future, if this mechanism is installed and implemented, then it would entirely change the power generation processes and the current laws related to mechanical efficiency have to be changed accordingly.  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 05.07.2020 Hits: 11354, Status: Indikator
M. Kanarev 
Links to Prof. Ph. M. Kanarev's research papers [¤]
  Ph.M. Kanarev has published more than 180 scientific papers, including 15 brochures, three educational guides and 14 books. Some of his scientific papers and books have been published abroad. The American Internet journal ?Journal of Theoretics? (http://www.journaloftheoretics.com) has already accepted his five papers on physics to be published in the year of 2002. Now Ph.M. Kanarev writes the book ?Classical quantum physics?, in which he is going to generalize the results of his theoretical and experimental investigations. This year Ph.M. Kanarev has got the invitations to the scientific seminars, conferences, symposia and congresses to USA, England, Germany, Switzerland and Russia. In June, 2001, he read lecture ?Water as a Source of Energy? in Switzerland at the European congress ?New Hydrogen Technologies and Space Drives? ( http://Weinfelden.innoplaza.net ). It is from the above-mentioned facts that a number of the new scientific results and ideas of the author will be included into the future guides on physics, mechanics, chemistry, astronomy, philosophy and other sciences and will be developed in the scientific works of other scientists.  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 09.11.2010 Hits: 11355, Status: Indikator
Julio C. Gobbi 
Power from Air Ionization [¤]
  ABSTRACT: This article aims to investigate the possibility of using atmospheric air ionization in propulsion and energy generation systems. To do this, it is developed a set of equations based on the generation of high-voltage and medium frequency RF electrical fields to ionize the air surrounding a surface and create a differential pressure that produces thrust.  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.05.2020 Hits: 11355, Status: Indikator
Evert-Fluid Evert-Ă„ther Evert-Rotor [¤]
  Energie und Äther 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 27.01.2006 Hits: 11356, Status: Indikator
Pines et.al. 
Nuclear Fusion Reactions in Deuterated Metals [¤]
  Nuclear fusion reactions of D-D are examined in an environment comprised of high density cold fuel embedded in metal lattices in which a small fuel portion is activated by hot neutrons. Such an environment provides for enhanced screening of the Coulomb barrier due to conduction and shell electrons of the metal lattice, or by plasma induced by ionizing radiation (&#947; quanta). We show that neutrons are far more efficient than energetic charged particles, such as light particles (e&#8722;, e+) or heavy particles (p, d, &#945;) in transferring kinetic energy to fuel nuclei (D) to initiate fusion processes. It is well-known that screening increases the probability of tunneling through the Coulomb barrier. Electron screening also significantly increases the probability of large- versus small-angle Coulomb scattering of the reacting nuclei to enable subsequent nuclear reactions via tunneling. This probability is incorporated into the astrophysical factor S(E). Aspects of screening effects to enable calculation of nuclear reaction rates are also evaluated, including Coulomb scattering and localized heating of the cold NASA/TP-20205001617 2 fuel, primary D-D reactions, and subsequent reactions with both the fuel and the lattice nuclei. The effect of screening for enhancement of the total nuclear reaction rate is a function of multiple parameters including fuel temperature and the relative scattering probability between the fuel and lattice metal nuclei. Screening also significantly increases the probability of interaction between hot fuel and lattice nuclei increasing the likelilhood of Oppenheimer-Phillips processes opening a potential route to reaction multiplication. We demonstrate that the screened Coulomb potential of the target ion is determined by the nonlinear Vlasov potential and not by the Debye potential. In general, the effect of screening becomes important at low kinetic energy of the projectile. We examine the range of applicability of both the analytical and asymptotic expressions for the well-known electron screening lattice potential energy Ue, which is valid only for E >> Ue (E is the energy in the center of mass reference frame). We demonstrate that for E &#8804; Ue, a direct calculation of Gamow factor for screened Coulomb potential is required to avoid unreasonably high values of the enhancement factor f(E) by the analytical—and more so by the asymptotic—formulas  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 29.07.2020 Hits: 11356, Status: Indikator
Horst Eckardt 
What are 'Scalar Waves' [¤]
  There is a wide confusion on what are "scalar waves" in serious and less serious literature on electrical engineering. In this paper we explain that this type of waves are longitudinal waves of potentials. It is shown that a longitudinal wave is a combination of a vector potential with a sacalar potential. There is a full analogue to acoustic waves. Transmitters and receivers for longitudinal electromagnetic waves are discussed. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 07.01.2012 Hits: 11357, Status: Indikator
Matthew Redmond 
StarGazer: Science [¤]
  Ether & Orgone & Pyramids. Some of these topics are very briefly discussed. I will at some stage or another make them more precise, but there is enough here to hopefully let you understand where I am coming from. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 19.10.2000 Hits: 11357, Status: Indikator
Eckman Chris 
Plasma Orbital Expansion of the Electrons in Water [¤]
  Brown's Gas boasts a plethora of unusual characteristics that defy current chemistry. It has a cool flame of about 130°C (266°F), yet melts steel, brick and many other materials. Confusingly, research both confirms and rebuffs many claims about it, leading to a smorgasbord of theories today seeking to explain its unusual properties. One possible theory, currently gaining support even from establishment science, depicts "plasma orbital expansion of the electron in a water molecule". In this process, unlike electrolysis, the water molecule "bends" into a linear, dipole-free geometry. This linear water molecule expands to gain electrons in the d sub-shell, and these extra electrons produce different effects on different target materials. Electrons that scatter at point of contact produce heat based upon electrical conductivity, density and thermal capacity of the material. It also shows why Rydberg clusters are a part of browns gas and how the linear water molecule needs these clusters to survive. This paper will explain this new theory and why it is gaining popularity among scientist in academia.  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 28.12.2010 Hits: 11357, Status: Indikator
Claus W. Turtur 
DFEM-Simulation eines Raumenergie-Konverters mit realistischen Abmessungen und einer Leistungsabgabe im Kilowattbereich [¤]
  In bisherigen Arbeiten hat der Autor ein Verfahren zur theoretischen Berechnung von Raumenergie- Konvertern als Dynamische Finite-Elemente-Methode (DFEM) präsentiert. Dabei wurden die physikalischen Grundlagen der Raumenergie-Konversion ausgearbeitet und einfache Prinzipbeispiele für die Berechnung von Raumenergie-Konvertern vorgeführt, deren Leistung allerdings nur im Nanowatt- oder im Mikrowatt-Bereich lag, und daher nur für einen Grundlagen-Beweis ausreicht, nicht aber für eine technische Nutzung. Der Weg zum leistungsstarken Raumenergie-Motor im Kilowatt-Bereich erforderte noch einige Arbeit, deren Ergebnisse der Autor im vorliegenden Artikel vorstellt. Anders als bei den bisherigen Grundlagenuntersuchungen handelt es sich dabei um einen magnetisch operierenden Konverter, da die Leistungsdichte bei praktisch erzeugbaren Magnetfeldern um einige Zehnerpotenzen höher liegt, als bei entsprechenden elektrischen Feldern. Im vorliegenden Artikel führt der Autor Schritt für Schritt die Lösung aller einzelnen Probleme vor, die ihn schlieÃźlich zum geeigneten Raumenergie- Magnetmotor im Kilowatt-Bereich geführt haben. Das Egebnis ist ein Raumenergie-Motor mit einem Durchmesser von 9 cm und einer Höhe von 6.8 cm, der eine Leistung von 1.07 Kilowatt erzeugt. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 10.02.2011 Hits: 11357, Status: Indikator
Claus W. Turtur 
Audio-book: The Zero-point Energy of the quantum-vacuum [¤]
  Here are three parts of a YouTube-video, with explanation about Free Energy: Part 1: Basics, as generally known in Science (about 20 Minutes) Part 2: Fundamental scientific proof for the usablility of the Zero-point Energy of the quantum-vacuum (about 30 Minutes) Part 3: Construction of a powerful vacuum-energy motor for the free energy-supply of everybody. (about 60 Minutes) For all, who want to read text in a quiet mood and to see the pictures with high resolution, there is also a PDF file available. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 05.07.2011 Hits: 11357, Status: Indikator
Reinhard Straubel 
RechnergestĂĽtzter PARETO-optimaler Entwurf von Raum-Energie-Konverter-Konstruktionen nach Turtur  [¤]
  Im Internet wurden kürzlich 2 gekoppelte Differerenzialgleichungen zur Beschreibung des dynamischen Verhaltens eines Raum-Energie-Konverters angegeben. Die Lösungen mit Hilfe eines gleichfalls im Internet dargestellten Algorithmus zeigen sehr unterschiedliche Empfindichkeiten bezüglich einzelner Konstruktionsparameter. Im Hinblick auf eine zuverlässige Steuerung solcher Geräte haben wir mit einem Programm für mehrkriterielle PARETO-Optmierungen bezüglich vier sich teils widersprechender Zielfunktionale beispielhaft Konstruktionsvorschläge als Kompromisse zwischen den Zielen berechnet. Damit lassen sich die gegenseitigen Abhängigkeiten der einzelnen Konstruktionsparameter bezüglich Ziele und insbesondere deren kritische Bereiche ermitteln. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 20.08.2011 Hits: 11357, Status: Indikator
Harald Chmela 
Parametrische Schwingungserregung [¤]
  Durch periodische Änderungen der Parameter eines Schwingkreises ist es möglich, diesen anzuregen. Die Änderungen müssen im Takt der Schwingung (welche durch die Resonanzfrequenz vorgegeben ist) erfolgen, so dass sie sich weiter aufschaukelt. Parametrische Änderung der Parameter von Schwingkreisen führen nicht zu einer autonomen Betriebsweise. Experimente mit zusammengeschalteten Ferrit-Transformatoren mit einem Serienschwingkreis zeigten, dass der Wirkungsgrad stets unter 100% bleibt.  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 21.04.2014 Hits: 11357, Status: Indikator
Walters, M. et.al. 
Introducing the Practice of Asymmetrical Regauging to Increase the Coefficient of Performance of Electromechanical System [¤]
  This paper introduces asymmetrical regauging theory as the origin of the increase in the coefficient of performance of a specially designed electric motor. The coefficient of performance terminology, a review of gauge theory, and an examination of discarding the Lorentz condition to achieve asymmetrical regauging are presented. Finally, building a ?Wankel? motor to verify this theory is proposed. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 14.01.2010 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
Anastasovski et.al. 
Classical Electrodynamics without the Lorenz condition: Extracting Energy from the Vacuum [¤]
  It is shown that if the Lorenz condition is discarded, the Maxwell-Heaviside field equations become the Lehnert equations, indicating the presence of charge density and current density in the vacuum. The Lehnert equations are a subset of the 0(3) Yang-Mills field equations. Charge and current density in the vacuum are defined straightforwardly in terms of the vector potential and scalar potential, and are conceptually similar to Maxwell's displacement current, which also occurs in the classical vacuum. The demonstration is made of the existence of a time dependent classical vacuum polarization which appears if the Lorenz condition is discarded, Vacuum charge and current appear phenomenologically in the Lehnert equations but fundamentally in the 0(3) Yang-Mills theory of classical electrodynamics. The latter also allow for the possibility of the existence of vacuum topological magnetic charge density and topological magnetic current density. Both 0(3) and Lehnert equations are superior to the Maxwell-Heaviside equations in being able to describe phenomena not amenable to the latter. In theory, devices can be made to extract the energy associated with vacuum charge and current. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 14.01.2010 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
Zoltan Losonc 
Free Energy Principles - the forbidden science [¤]
  Free Energy From Wave Fields The free energy research is pursued mostly by enthusiastic people, who do not have full trust in the validity of the official scientific knowledge. There is a civil engineer in Hungary János Vajda who dedicated his whole life to the science, specifically to the microwave technology. As the result of many years of research he succeeded to scientifically prove (with the classical scientific methods and formulas – i.e. without any new “mystical” theory) that the law of energy conservation is not valid in general sense for the wave fields, but it can be satisfied only in special cases. Therefore it can not be considered as a valid postulate. His first study of 1998 the study has been translated into English titled “VIOLATION OF THE LAW OF ENERGY CONSERVATION IN WAVE FIELDS” and published for the first time on the website “Free Energy Principles” as a free eBook, for the benefit of all free energy researchers, see: https://feprinciples.files.wordpress.com/2016/02/energy_from_wave_fields_1-21.pdf 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 15.06.2003 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
Charles W. Kellum /The Galactican Group 
Electric Power Generation from Spacetime Background Potential Energy Engineering Principles for Cross-Field Device Technology Development [¤]
  The manipulation of spacetime curvature via electromagnetism can make the background electric potential energy of spacetime available as an energy source. This vast energy reservoir presents a clean, renewable, low cost resource that can eliminate oil dependency, and lead to complete energy independence. The objectives of this white-paper are to provide an engineering framework and guidelines for the design and operation of crossfield generator (CFG) device technology. All crossfield generator devices employ counter-rotating magnetic fields. Counter pulsing of stationary solenoid coils would cause the resulting magnetic fields to rotate. Phase-switching electric current through the coils achieves rotation of the resulting magnetic fields. The purpose of the counter-rotating magnetic fields is to generate a region - a kind of "bubble" - where the spin-connection vector w has a non-zero divergence. The spin-connection-resonance (SCR) amplifies the electric background potential of space-time PHI; and neutralizes also the gravitational field. At this point several methods can be used to transfer voltage from the background potential energy reservoir of spacetime to an electric load. The flywheel version employs a dielectric material implemented as a rotating dipole whie the stationary Casimir version CFG (Crossfield Generator) device uses the Casimir Effect between Casimir plates to produce an oscillatory driving function. There are no mechanical energy conversion hassles. The crossfield generators are scalable and practical. In the annex of the paper you can find an electronic circuit which is suitable to start the power generation processes and to induce the resonance conditions.  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 04.02.2012 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev 
Theoretical Feasibility of Cold Fusion According to the BSM - Supergravitation Unified Theory [¤]
  Advances in the field of cold fusion and the recent success of the nickel and hydrogen exothermal reaction, in which the energy release cannot be explained by a chemical process, need a deeper understanding of the nuclear reactions and, more particularly, the possibility for modification of the Coulomb barrier. The current theoretical understanding based on high temperature fusion does not offer an explanation for the cold fusion or LENR. The treatise ?Basic Structures of Matter ? Supergravitation Unified Theory?, based on an alternative concept of the physical vacuum, provides an explanation from a new point of view by using derived three-dimensional structures of the atomic nuclei. For explanation of the nuclear energy, a hypothesis of a field micro-curvature around the superdense nucleus is suggested. Analysis of some successful cold fusion experiments resulted in practical considerations for modification of the Coulomb barrier. The analysis also predicts the possibility of another cold fusion reaction based on some similarity between the nuclear structures of Ni and Cr.  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 03.03.2012 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
Claus Turtur 
The fundamental Principle of the Conversion of Zero-point-energy of the Vacuum [¤]
  After the zero-point-energy is made manifest now, the task arises to clarify the fundamental principles, which explain the conversion of this energy into any other (classical) type of energy, such as electrical or mechanical energy. These fundamental basics of Physics are now understood and described in the present article. Based on this theoretical fundament, the article explains, how the construction of zero-point-energy converters can be done systematicially for practical engineering. This is the first time, when a practical method for the systematic construction of zero-point-energy converters is presented. The article gives guidelines for the development of a dynamic Finite-Element-Algorithm (DFEM), which enables us to construct zero-point-energy converters systematically. Simple models of zero-point-energy-converters can be developed with this method rather easy. More complex realistic engines require remarkable effort for computation. The train of thoughts is rounded up by the explanation of some examples for consequences of the zero-point-energy and its conversion within everyday life, as for instance the existence of electric charge and the stability of atoms. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 02.10.2010 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
Clint Seward, Chiping Shen, Ken Ware 
  Spinning plasma toroids are created using high power electric arcs similar to lightning bolts. The spinning toroids are observed to be stable in atmosphere with no confining magnetic fields. Spinning toroids have the appearance of spheres, or balls, and create bright light through collisions with neutrals in the atmosphere. The spinning toroids are observed to last for more than 200 milliseconds in partial atmosphere. This paper describes the initiation apparatus and parameters. An explanation for the plasma toroid is presented that it is a hollow toroid of electrons where all the electrons travel in parallel paths orthogonal to the toroid circumference and reside in a thin outer shell of the toroid. The electron motion creates a current in the surface that in turn creates an internal magnetic field. Equations are presented detailing the initiation of the plasma toroid, and detailing the plasma toroid itself. The stability analysis for the plasma toroid has been completed that explains how the plasma toroid remains stable in atmosphere. The spinning plasma toroid has the appearance of Ball Lightning, in observations, computer simulations, and equations. The plasma toroid explains how a plasma ring can be stable in atmosphere with no external magnetic fields, and how it can contain many electrons with high energy. Ball lightning is often reported as a ring current, in toroid shape, and since a spinning ring appears as a sphere or ball, the spinning plasma toroid provides an explanation for Ball Lightning. The technology of the plasma toroid has the potential for new applications in propulsion and energy generation and storage. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 13.02.2011 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
S.U. Maji1 M. S. Mane2 C. Kshirsagar3 A. Jagdale4 D. Malgar5 
Conventional Free Energy using Flywheel [¤]
  This Paper deals with the concept of free energy and its generation using flywheel system. A mains motor of half horsepower capacity is used to drive a series of belt and pulley drive which form a gear-train and produces over twice rpm at the shaft of an alternator. The intriguing thing about this system is that greater electrical output power can be obtained from the output of the alternator than appears to be drawn from the input motor. This is done with the help of Gravity wheel. The gravity wheel or flywheel is coupled with the gear-train in order to produce more excess energy or free energy. Detail study is done with various parameters of flywheel to obtain the maximum free energy out of the system. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 05.07.2020 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
Znidarsic, F./Robertson, G.A. 
The Flow of Energy [¤]
  In this paper, the flow of energy in materials is presented as mechanical waves with a distinct velocity or speed of transition. This speed of transition came about through the observations of cold fusion experiments, i.e., Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) and superconductor gravity experiments, both assumed speculative by mainstream science. In consideration of superconductor junctions, the LENR experiments have a similar speed of transition, which seems to imply that the reactions in the LENR experiment are discrete quantized reactions (energy - burst vs. continuous). Here an attempt is made to quantify this new condition as it applies to electrons; toward the progression of quantized energy flows (discrete energy burst) as a new source of clean energy and force mechanisms (i.e, propulsion). 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 20.01.2013 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
W.D. Bauer 
T-Online eMail [¤]
  , original server, mirror is the theory page of Stefan Hartmanns overunity server www.overunity.com 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 02.12.2005 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
Energie - Informationen, anderes und mehr bei [¤]
  Energie - Definition, Informationen und Hinweis 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 19.11.2007 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
Claus W. Turtur 
Hörbuch: Lichtbildervorträge/Videos zur Raumenergie [¤]
  Hier sind drei Teile eines YouTube-Videos, in denen ich etwas über Raumenergie erzähle: Teil 1. Allgemeine Grundlagen -> Ãśber bestehende Erkenntnisse (ca. 20 Minuten) Teil 2. Ein wissenschaftlicher Grundlagenbeweis für die Nutzbarkeit der Raumenergie auf Universitätsniveau (ca. 30 Minuten) Teil 3. Konstruktion eines leistungsfähigen Raumenergie-Motors zur allgemeinen Energie-Versorgung (ca. 60 Minuten) Für alle, die den Text gerne nachlesen und die Bilder mit hoher Auflösung sehen wollen, gibt es auch das PDF zum Film. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 05.07.2011 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
Winzige Wirbel entstehen und vergehen [¤]
  Strömungssimulationen an den Grenzen der High-Tech-Computer - Strömungsprozesse in Triebwerken oder Motoren sind äuÃźerst komplex und können nur unter groÃźem technischen Aufwand untersucht werden. Moderne Computersysteme geben den Forschern jetzt kurze Einblicke in die Natur turbulenter Strömungen: Auf einer Fläche von zwei mal zwei Zentimetern verfolgen sie mit, wie sich in Sekundenbruchteilen winzige Wirbel bilden, in turbulente Strukturen übergehen und sich wieder auflösen. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.02.2008 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
Professor Ph. M. Kanarev, Krasnodar. Photos: J. Hartikka.  
  Professor Ph. M. Kanarev's Books and Lectures  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 06.01.2006 Hits: 11358, Status: Indikator
Harold Puthoff 
Everything for Nothing [¤]
  An article by the well know researcher Harold Puthoff. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.05.2000 Hits: 11359, Status: Indikator
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