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<-  Einträge 151 - 157 von 157  ->

Alan Pendleton 
Was Einstein right? [¤]
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.05.2000 Hits: 11455, Status: Indikator
Dieter Prochnow 
Euklidisches Universum - alternative Relativitätsteorie [¤]
  As an alternative to Einstein’s theory of relativity, a four-dimensional Euclidean, hence flat, universe, based on a space-time-related Galilei transformation, is founded. As far as possible, Einstein’s principles of relativity are also taken into account. In the Euclidean universe, gravity is to be understood as conservative force that changes the density distribution of the mass-charged particles. The local density distribution generates a potential energy and, with it, a conservative force that induces (without warping space-time) a relative movement of the mass points. As a result, the density distribution is now changed again. In the course of this, the gravity potential depends on Newton’s potential. Accelerated particle movements are admitted. Cause-effect relationships between events presuppose the events to be in order. The order is realized by the time-like (fourth) coordinate of the mass points in space-time. The laws of Newtonian physics that apply invariant to form in all systems of the universe have to be related then in their time-dependent formulation to the time-like coordinate. Accordingly, the coordinate time of the time-like coordinate orders the events of a universe in the sequence of their occurrence. In the Euclidean universe, the coordinate time of the time-like coordinate is an invariant of all systems and is therefore designated as Galilei time. In general, Galilei time durations are directly not measurable. The measurable clock time duration in the Euclidean universe coincides approximately only at small particle velocities with Galilei time duration. In general, clock time does not order events in the sequence of their occurrence, but it constitutes here a measure for the particle path length in the four-dimensional space-time, and therefore, is subject to a dilatation, however only seemingly. As a consequence, the tensor calculus cannot be applied to the alternative theory. In comparison with Einstein’s universe, the Euclidean universe has analogous properties caused by common principles as well as also contrary properties which allow to interpret experimental results without contradiction in another way (example: flight duration of muons). At this, the contrary properties mostly concern the relation of absoluteness and relativity of phenomena. Thus, the invariance of the simultaneousness of events is rehabilitated in the Euclidean university and there is no Lorentz-length contraction. The aging of matter supposed here to proceed at a finite and constant velocity is related to Galilei time. Consequently, aging takes place then in the same way in all systems. There is no twin paradox. The speed of light related to clock time is in fact constant and finite, but at the same time infinite with respect to Galilei time. Accordingly, we could suppose that in the Euclidean universe, we do not perceive the past (even of remote objects, no matter how far the distance), but the present.  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 13.07.2014 Hits: 11459, Status: Indikator
Gershom Gale 
Theory G [¤]
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.05.2000 Hits: 11459, Status: Indikator
Johannes Rasper 
Remarks on Theory of Relativity [¤]
  Logical Problems of the SRT are presented and will lead to absolute space. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 19.05.2008 Hits: 11460, Status: Indikator
Dieter Prochnow 
Lichtablenkung unter Gravitation - flaches Universum? [¤]
  Keywords: Newtonsche Anziehung, Einsteinsche Raumkrümmung, hyperbolische Lichtablenkung, Streuwinkelbestimmung, Bahnparameter, Sonnenfinsternis 1919, Lichtablenkung allein auf Grund Newtonscher Anziehung, flaches Universum Im Universum kann Licht in der Nähe von Massenanhäufungen von seiner Bahn abgelenkt werden. Ursache dafür ist einerseits die Newtonsche Anziehung der Massen, andererseits eine durch die Massen hervorgerufene Krümmung der Raumzeit, die Einstein 1915 in seiner Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie (ART) prognostizierte. Experimentelle Bestätigung fand Einsteins ART erstmals mit der Sonnenfinsternis 1919. Die vorliegende Arbeit analysiert den Einfluss, den die Anziehung von Massen auf die Lichtablenkung unter hyperbolischen Verhältnissen ausübt. Das Ergebnis, angewendet ebenfalls auf die Sonnenfinsternis 1919, zeigt im Gegensatz zu bisherigen Annahmen, dass Licht allein auf Grund der Newtonschen Massenanziehung abgelenkt wird. Die von Einstein erwartete Krümmung der Raumzeit in Sonnennähe scheint entweder keinen Einfluss auf die Lichtablenkung zu haben, oder die Raumzeit wird a priori nicht durch die Sonnenmasse gekrümmt. Das Universum bleibt im letzteren Fall auch lokal flach. Man kann im Sinne Newtons von einem Euklidischen Universum sprechen.  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 13.07.2014 Hits: 11471, Status: Indikator
Florentin Smarandache Chief Editor, Vice Chief Editors Fu Yuhua & Zhao Fengian 
Unsolved Problems in Special and General Relativity - 21 collected papers Educational [¤]
  The editors hope that all these papers will contribute to the advance of scholarly research on several aspects of Special and General Relativity. This book is suitable for students and scholars interested in studies on physics. See especially: Sapogin, Dzhanibekov, and Ryabov. They are discussing the problems of new unitary quantum view of the world in its applications to the different aspects of the reality. They conclude that it seems that if UQT were correctly describing the world properties a radical transformation of the civilization would be possible. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 00.00.0000 Hits: 11580, Status: Indikator
Reinhold Kiebart 
Das Kontraxiom [¤]
  Was ist Zeit? Gravitation? Das Geheimnis der dunklen Energie Ein einfaches alternatives Axiom zur heutigen Physik 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 25.09.2021 Hits: 11641, Status: Indikator
<-  Einträge 151 - 157 von 157  ->
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Borderlands of Science