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<-  Einträge 61 - 64 von 64  ->

Arkani-Hamed, N./Trnka, T. 
Physicists Discover Geometry Underlying Particle Physics | Simons Foundation [¤]
  Physicists have discovered a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions and challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality. “This is completely new and very much simpler than anything that has been done before,” said Andrew Hodges, a mathematical physicist at Oxford University who has been following the work. 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 23.09.2013 Hits: 11461, Status: Indikator
Olival Freire Junior 
The Quantum Dissidents - Rebuilding the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics (1950-1990) | Olival Freire Junior | Springer [¤]
  This book tells the fascinating story of the people and events behind the turbulent changes in attitudes to quantum theory in the second half of the 20th century. The huge success of quantum mechanics as a predictive theory has been accompanied, from the very beginning, by doubts and controversy 
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 08.02.2020 Hits: 11469, Status: Indikator
Werner Meindl 
The Trivial Set Theory [¤]
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 01.05.2000 Hits: 11497, Status: Indikator
Znidarsic, F. / Robertson, G.A. 
The Flow of Energy [¤]
  In this paper, the flow of energy in materials is presented as mechanical waves with a distinct velocity or speed of transition. This speed of transition came about through the observations of cold fusion experiments, i.e., Low Energy Nuclear Reactions (LENR) and superconductor gravity experiments, both assumed speculative by mainstream science. In consideration of superconductor junctions, the LENR experiments have a similar speed of transition, which seems to imply that the reactions in the LENR experiment are discrete quantized reactions (energy - burst vs. continuous). Here an attempt is made to quantify this new condition as it applies to electrons; toward the progression of quantized energy flows (discrete energy burst) as a new source of clean energy and force mechanisms (i.e, propulsion).  
Bewertung: ********** (34 Stimmen) eingetragen am 12.10.2011 Hits: 11544, Status: Indikator
<-  Einträge 61 - 64 von 64  ->
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seit 03.08.1996
Borderlands of Science